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Stubbe's has a feedback process through which persons with disabilities are encouraged to comment on Stubbe's goods, services and facilities, and their experience in being accommodated with accessible formats and communication supports when requested in order to provide such feedback.  

Feedback may be delivered to Stubbe's in person, by telephone, mail, e-mail, or such other means available to the individual.   All feedback will be reviewed for possible improvements and accessibility to Stubbe's good, services and facilities.  Feedback will be directed to the most appropriate person within Stubbe's for dealing with it and any complaint will addresses as soon as possible.  

Individuals can expect an acknowledgement of their feedback to be issued within 5 business days.  The acknowledgement will indicate when the matter will be addressed and by whom.  Communication with the individual will take into account his/her accessibility needs and will be provided in an alternate format or with communication support upon request.  Stubbe's will follow up with any required action within the time frame noted in the acknowledgement.

See PDFs below for detailed information on AODA at Stubbe's. 

AODA Commitment

AODA Feed Back Form

AODA Multi Year plan